Figure 1-7. Collision
avoidance, both in the air and on the ground, is one of the most basic
responsibilities of a pilot flying in visual conditions.
As discussed in the Aviation Instructor’s Handbook, the CFI must ensure from the start of flight training that the student develops the habit of maintaining airspace surveillance at all times. [Figure 1-7] If a student believes the instructor assumes all responsibility for scanning and collision avoidance procedures, he or she will not develop the habit of maintaining the constant vigilance essential to safety. Establish scan areas and communication practices for keeping the aircraft cleared as outlined in the AIM, paragraphs 4-4-15 and 8-8-6c. For example, “Clear left? Cleared left. Turning left.” should be verbalized in conjunction with the actual scanning. In addition to clearing left and right, a helicopter pilot must also clear directly above and below since the helicopter has the ability of climbing and descending vertically. This ability has resulted in helicopters climbing directly into overhead hangar doors and power lines. Any observed tendency of a student to enter flight maneuvers without first making a careful check for other air traffic must be corrected immediately. In addition to the statistic quoted above, recent studies of midair collisions determined that:
- Most of the aircraft involved in collisions are engaged in recreational flying, and not on any type of flight plan.
- Most midair collisions occur in VFR weather conditions during weekend daylight hours.
- The vast majority of accidents occurred at or near no towered airports and at altitudes below 1,000 feet.
- Pilots of all experience levels were involved in midair collisions, from pilots on their first solo ride to 20,000-hour veterans.
- Most collisions occur in daylight with visibility greater than three miles.
It is imperative to introduce 14 CFR sections 91.113, Right of- Way Rules: Except Water Operations,” for the “see and avoid” concept immediately to the student. Practice the “see and avoid” concept at all times regardless of whether the training is conducted under VFR or instrument flight rules (IFR). A CFI and student can review the FAA’s suggestions for how to contribute to professional flying and reduce the odds of being involved in a midair collision, at www.faa.gov. Other references that contain collision avoidance information for both the CFI and student are AC 90-48, Pilot’s Role in Collision Avoidance; FAA-H-8083-25, Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge; and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) (all as revised) located online at www.faa.gov.
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